Southbury Parks and Recreation
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My First Lemonade Stand

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My First Lemonade Stand - Learn how to make yummy lemonade, and earn money selling it! A lemonade stand is a fun and great way to introduce our youngest entrepreneurs to the world of business. From designing marketing flyers to estimating profits to experimenting with recipes, our students enjoy developing business savvy! As a showcase event, students launch the stand as a fundraiser for a charity they select. 

This program is presented by SPARK Business Academy which offers innovative, skills-based programs promoting 21st century skills like financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and leadership for students in grades pre-K-12.

Program is held at the Parks and Recreation Building: 561 Main St South

SPARK'S programs are successful because they:
» Appeal to a wide range of learners with differing learning styles.
» Foster transferable skills like teamwork, independent thinking, and problem-solving.
» Develop positive traits in students such as perseverance and self-confidence.
» Promote creativity and calculated risk-taking in a nurturing environment.

SparkHot cocoa
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